
Surgery Week-So many unknowns

 Hi Friends! I wanted to find a space to write about Leanna. Her struggles, surgeries, and most importantly, her wins! I usually keep people updated on Facebook, but I have realized over the years that FB can be a pretty judgy space. I have dealt with some crazy stuff in that space, particularly in the last year. My thought is this; if someone wants to take the time to click a blog link, and read my chaotic word salad, they must be here for the right reasons! So, the nitty gritty. It is surgery week.  On Friday, Leanna will have a full enucleation of her left eye. The irony is that this has always been her good eye, the right eye has been on borrowed time for years. But that is a story for a different day. Leanna has procedures multiple times a year. We monitor a benign brain tumor, we need yearly scopes to see if her esophageal ulcers have returned, Leanna gets eye exams under sedation yearly.....there is always something. I have always been good about tackling each challenge and gett